A New Day Dawns As Pluto Transits Into Aquarius!

On January 20th, 2024, a cosmic shift unfolds as Pluto, the enigmatic planet of transformation and power, officially enters the progressive and revolutionary sign of Aquarius. This marks the beginning of a 20-year cycle that promises to reshape our world in profound ways.  

Since Aquarius embodies the spirit of innovation, collective, and social change, we can expect massive transformations in the areas of communication and technology! We may see reforms in social media, the internet, and even how we communicate with each other.  

Meanwhile, Pluto helps us to transform paradigms, beliefs, and mindsets that no longer serve us. During a major transit like this, you can expect a sudden desire to bring profound change to your life.  You may start to question long-held beliefs or re-evaluate relationships in your life. 

Depending on your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign, this Pluto transit will impact each of us differently. Navigating this period does require courage, flexibility, and a willingness to embrace the unknown! We much leave behind the past and what no longer serves us to be open to the new possibilities waiting for us! With the Aquarian energy heightened, it is a time to connect with our collective purpose and collaborate to build a more equitable future! 

The Journal Activity below will help you to better understand just how much Pluto has transformed your life since it’s last transit in 2008 - and also help you map out your intentions for this next 20-year cycle! It’s a wonderful way to use the transformative energies of Pluto to help you align with your life purpose and your heart’s desire!



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